[cvsnt] one time checkout files

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Sep 15 23:28:47 BST 2006

At Friday 15/9/2006 14:11, Rick Martin wrote:

>This maybe slightly OT but I'd like to see how others deal with this issue.
>I have a development system under CVSNT control. There are a handful of
>configuration type files that each user needs, but once the user gets the
>default version of the files I do not want them to receive any more. After
>the first check out I want these files to be modifiable by the user and do
>not want them to commit or update them. Is there any way to indicate a file
>in CVS that is only updated on Check out vs. Update?

We use a setup script which:
- creates directories
- checks the needed modules out, plus a "template" module
- uses the "template" to actually build the config files
- puts the config files in .cvsignore

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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