[cvsnt] Comparing your sandbox to the archive

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Sep 18 21:11:01 BST 2006

At Monday 18/9/2006 12:17, Chris Allen wrote:

> > We know of CVS Update, which will actually go out and update a sandbox
> > with changes from the archive, however, sometimes we just want a
> > list of the files that are out of date, not to do the update itself at
> > that time.
>Choose "CVS Update Special" and tick the "Simulate Update" box -
>equivalent to "-n" on the command line.

And, if you really want to see the differences, checkout a new copy 
and use a directory/file comparison tool.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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