[cvsnt] Bug? VerifyMsg

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Sep 19 21:48:28 BST 2006

At Tuesday 19/9/2006 17:21, Bryan Leber wrote:

>Thanks for the advice. My verifymsg file has this in it
>^IMP2.1/* C:/Python24/python.exe C:/CVSRepo/CVSROOT/test.py

If you see your error message printed, and anyway the commit 
succeeds, it appears to be a bug...

>I have no idea what a Delphi program is

And it doesn't matter!
(Delphi is a language based on Object Pascal, you compile a Delphi 
program into a Windows .exe -  as opposed to a Python script which is 
not a "native" executable by itself and requires the Python 
interpreter to be run)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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