[cvsnt] Problems with text/binary *.rtf files
Thomas Muller
ttm at online.no
Mon Sep 25 22:07:21 BST 2006
| > I have some problems with *.rtf files - when I add them as
| text they
| > become corrupt - MS Word fails to read the files. If I try
| to force them
| > into CVS as binary (-kb), they are still showing up as
| encoding 'text' and
| > MS Word still can't read them.
| rtf files are text files, not binary files.
I know (hence my statement below "insert as text (which rtf in fact is)"),
but since our CVS system consistently corrupts RTF files when added as text,
we've (until recently) had to treat them as binary. The problem that we're
facing 'out-of-the-blue' is that we actually cannot longer add rtf files as
binary. I think this must have happened after we upgraded the server and the
clients a while ago.
| > The work-around for the time being is to use 'doc' which
| seems to work
| > fine - CVS inserts them correctly as 'binary'. The ideal
| situation is to
| > use rtf and insert as text (which rtf in fact is) and
| utilize CVS tags
| > such as $Revision$, $Name$,
| > $Author$ etc.
| Have you checked that your rtf files are really rtf files and haven't
| suddenly become native Word format files?
Well, we store them as "Rich Text Format *.rtf" via "save as" from MS word's
file menu... I think this might have to do with newlines or line-feeds; that
the file we check-out is no longer the same as what we check in.
Interestingly, this happens immediately after a check-in - the file is
unreadable after a commit; don't even have to do an update clean copy from
CVS to get the file corrupted.
| > We actually have the same problem with Symbian *.sis files
| - they are
| > interpreted as text by CVS, regardless of using "add as
| binary" from the
| > CVS client - and are consequently corrupted when files are
| being checked
| > out again.
| Did you add an entry for your sis files into CVSROOT/cvswrappers?
Thanks for the tip - didn't know about this file (I'm no CVS expert - just a
humble programmer/user).
| > Client: Windows XP Pro, WinCVS (Build 4)
| So you're adding these files using cvsnt from the command
| line... or using
| cvsnt via WinCVS? If the latter, I'd say its something to do with how
| you've configured WinCVS.
The latter. How can I configure WinCVS correctly?
| > Server: Win 2003 Server, CVSNT 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2151
| You might want to upgrade your server... build 2382 is latest stable.
Will do at some stage, but it needs to be planned up.
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