[cvsnt] hacked

Andreas Tscharner andreas.tscharner at metromec.ch
Tue Sep 26 07:04:04 BST 2006

Javier Godinez wrote:
> We recently had a break in on our CVS Server.

What CVS version? CVS or CVSNT? Was it the CVS(NT) Server program that 
was compromised or the machine, CVS(NT) runs on?
> Does anyone have any ideas on what options there are to perform a
> source code audit?

Which source? CVS(NT) source? The source you managed with CVS(NT)?
> I am looking for tools/services/any ideas on how to attack this problem.
> If anyone has any guidance, it will be truly appreciated.

is one page.

(I suggest you want to audit your own source code)
I think you should have some backups of your CVS(NT) repository; in this 
case a simple compare with the "last known good"(tm) version could be a 

Best regards
Andreas Tscharner                          andreas.tscharner at metromec.ch
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vengeance. The house of the unbelievers shall be razed and they shall be
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                                             -- The Book of Mozilla 12:10

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