[cvsnt] Branch creation takes a long time

Colin Fraser colin.fraser at levelfour.com
Fri Apr 6 14:22:53 BST 2007

Thanks for the response.

The original thinking behind creating so many branches was that we could
have a unique branch for every bug fix or new piece of development work
making every change atomic. This means that if a customer decides they do
not want to include a particular fix in their build it is possible for us to
create a patch only containing the specific fixes they are interested in.  

This approach worked well initially but as CVSNT has slowed down we are
spending more time waiting for branches to be created than actually working
on the development! :-)

We also use branches for testing; when we are testing a release candidate we
merge the relevant bug fixes onto another new branch for testing.  Once this
is complete we make a final merge of all changes back to the main release

I'd welcome any feedback on these arrangements and will keep an eye out for
the 2.5.04 release.



-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Barrett [mailto:arthur.barrett at march-hare.com] 
Sent: 06 April 2007 13:18
To: Colin Fraser; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] Branch creation takes a long time


This can occur under very specific circumstances.  Basically it gets harder
and harder for CVSNT to find the next free number for a branch.  We've had a
patch submitted that'll be a part of the next next 2.5.04 build in a few
weeks time.  Be sure to keep an eye on this list for the annoucement.  Also
it's an option that needs to be enabled in the control panel (or on linux in
the /etc/cvsnt/PServer config file).

More info is available in the bug database under bug 4855.

However that said, this problem only occurs when there are a LOT of
branches, which possibly means that you are not using CVSNT in an "optimal"
way.  Please describe what business purpose creating so many branches is
serving and we'll also try to point you in a more efficient direction.


Arthur Barrett

-----Original Message-----
From:	cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org on behalf of Colin Fraser
Sent:	Fri 4/6/2007 6:45 PM
To:	cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject:	[cvsnt] Branch creation takes a long time

Hi ,
I have a question about branching in CVSNT - it seems to be getting slower
and slower on our repository, it is currently taking over an hour to create
a branch across the whole repository.  I am running CVSNT 2.5.02 Build 2115
on XP Pro.
The repository has about 18000 files and is just over 1Gb in size so it is
fairly large, however when we first set it up it took less than 6 minutes to
perform the same operation.
Can someone tell me if this slow-down is just normal - a product of creating
a large number of tags and branches?  Should I expect it to get slower and
slower?  I've been searching around but I cannot find any documentation that
covers this.
Any responses or suggestions welcome, thanks,

Colin Fraser, Development Manager
Level Four Software Ltd	 
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