[cvsnt] Hi (Some questions)

Raj Simha cvs_admn at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 10 08:22:58 BST 2007

Hi Every one, I am a new user to CVS.
I started installing cvsnt and started working on that according to the steps.
I have some questions, Please do help me, I badly need your help.

Please do help me.
Please see the following questions.

I really appreciate any kind of help.

1. What are Cvsnt service and Cvs lock service? please do tell me when we come across through these inCvs.

  2. What are these following?
  All protocols pserver (password server)
     Named pipe ntserver
  3. Why CVSNT Server should be stopped before creating the Repository?
  http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/InstallationTips  defining ur repository
    4. In Repository server,When I click on Add the Repository Isee the following types of repository, Will you Please Explain me what are these?

  Publish rep
  Default rep

Thanks once again in Advance, I really need these as I started working already...... Please do help me.......

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