[cvsnt] New Postcommit Problems

Kerry, Richard richard.kerry at siemens.com
Mon Apr 23 09:52:00 BST 2007

"Prepend perl to the command line" doesn't mean add it before the
regexp, it means add it before your script file name.
In general, although Windows may have an association of extension .myext
to program myprog.exe, this doesn't work in cvsnt scripts.  So just
saying :
myregexp thisfile.myext

Won't work.

You need to do:
myregexp myprog.exe thisfile.myext

Hoping this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf
Of Trip Kirkpatrick
Sent: 20 April 2007 22:05
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] New Postcommit Problems

I'm banging my head against postcommit trying to get my scripts working 
again. At some point recently* committing files started reporting 
invalid escape characters and a failed script. After poking around, I 
saw that I should be using forward slash or double-backslash in file 
paths. Changed the postcommit lines to the former. No dice. Changed them

to the latter. No dice. Stripped the postcommit lines out completely. No

failures. Started building a single command line up and immediately got 
the "script failed" error with no further info.

Found in the archives that I should have completely uninstalled CVSNT 
before installing with the MSI. Uninstalled (found that there were two 
entries in appwiz.cpl), rebooted, reinstalled, rebooted. No 

Here's what I'd like to execute and what used to execute:
^FrameworkCore d:\files\cometrepo\CVSROOT\update_directory.vbs 
d:\files\www-dev \cometrepo
(where d is a local partition)

Here's what I've tried unsuccessfully since stripping all the commands 
from the postcommit file:
^FrameworkCore d:/dummy.vbs

I saw a thread in the archives about someone with some problems in 
upgrading, and his solution was, in part, to prepend perl to the command

line. Maybe I'm just being thick, but isn't the first arg to the command

line treated as a regex pattern? Do I have to prepend the WSH

  Win 2K3 server
  Win XP Pro (TortoiseCVS) client

Hope you can help,

*You would be right in berating me for not tracking changes to my server

more closely.

Trip Kirkpatrick
SysAdmin / Sr. Programmer
Center for Language Study

e: trip.kirkpatrick at yale.edu
w: http://www.cls.yale.edu/
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