[cvsnt] Can CVSNT automatically insert tag version number info as a comment into object being commited?

David Garcia adgarcia13 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26 01:19:38 BST 2007

Glen, Gerhard,
  Thanks so much for your assistance, tried this out and the feature works like a charm!
  > Given the following requirement: 
> "In order to ultimately identify the version of an object for Audit,
> each object must be commented with version number tags, that will be
> automatically updated by the source code control system when an object
> is changed." 
> Can this be done by CVSNT? can it auotmatically insert version number
> tag information into a changed object at commit time as a comment? or is
> this something I would have to drive myself through scripts and/or code
> I would have to write?
  Check out <http://www.cvsnt.org/manual/html/Keyword-substitution.html>
  Mainly $Revision$, and possibly $Header$ (which contains $Revision$).
Yes, but not exactly the way you describe.  It actually substitutes the 
values in the checkout / update phase.
  Look up "keywords", specifically the $Revision$ tag.
     // This file is version $Revision$
  ends up as:
     // This file is version $Revision 1.2$
  for version 1.2.
  For more info:
Glen Starrett
Technical Account Manager, North America
March Hare Software, LLC

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