[cvsnt] viewcvs installed with cvsnt Files shown: 0

Steve Lee redferrari0987 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26 08:31:49 BST 2007


I followed Bo instructions on the following sites and when I open the web page I see the Main page but when I click on the links for each folder I can not see any files.  It only shows links to sub folders and "Files shown:    0" on the upper left.

When I drill down the hierarchy it continues to show folders with links but no files.
I am using 

Windows 2000 Advance Server
IIS 5.0
cvsnt 2.5.03
ViewCVS 1.0 dev

Thanks in advance.


CVSNT 2.5.03 Installation on Windows 2003


ViewCvs Setup on Windows with IIS 4-5-6 or Apache Version 1.0_2005-05-18


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