[cvsnt] reposting question about ignore defaults

Chuck Kirschman Chuck.Kirschman at Nosp_am.bentley.com
Fri Aug 3 16:43:10 BST 2007


In short, someone decided that any sort of build stuff in your source 
tree should be ignored.  As far as I can tell, it stems from the fact 
that cvsNT builds into its source tree, and thus it's easier to ignore 
all .obj, .dll, .lib, etc. files that Visual Studio sprinkles everywhere 
than to set up .cvsignores (or use a different build process).  I've 
tried the -I! solution, and I think it will work on an import, though 
for most commands it does not work as you want (and is not supported on 
cvs stat).  The only other thing I can recommend is recompiling cvsNT 
without all the stuff Arthur mentions.


Arthur Barrett wrote:
> Zak,
>>I posted this in march and last month....no response.  
> http://march-hare.com/cvspro/faq/faq2.asp#2za
>>[zelston CVSROOT]$ grep class *
>>cvswrappers:*.class -k 'b'
> $ cvs info cvsignore | grep class
> . .. core RCSLOG tags TAGS RCS SCCS .make.state .nse_depinfo #* .#*
> cvslog.* ,* CVS CVS.adm .del-* *.a *.olb *.o *.obj *.so *.Z *~ *.old
> *.elc *.ln *.bak *.BAK *.orig *.rej *.exe *.dll *.pdb *.lib *.ncb *.ilk
> *.exp *.suo .DS_Store _$* *$ *.lo *.pch *.idb *.class ~*
>>I can import them with "-I!"  but I'd rather default it so I don't
>>have to explain that to 20 developers.   why are .class files being
>>ignored?  where do I turn that off?
> You should be able to put "!" in the global cvsignore to override all
> the defaults (and then add the defaults you do want), but I've not
> tested it.
> Regards,
> Arthur Barrett

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