[cvsnt] reposting question about ignore defaults

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Sun Aug 5 15:15:52 BST 2007


> In short, someone decided that any sort of build stuff 
> in your source tree should be ignored.  

To clarify: IMPORT does not import anything with a file extension listed by "cvs info cvsignore".  It is unrelated to "build stuff" and was a design decision in CVS years and years ago (way before CVSNT).

> As far as I can tell, it stems from the fact that cvsNT builds into 
> its source tree

Tony doesn't use import, probably never has used it since he doesn't like vendor branches and it was only in the past few years that CVSNT developed a way to import without creating a branch, and he hasn't imported anything since then.

> I've tried the -I! solution, and I think it will work on an import, 
> though for most commands it does not work as you want 

You can ALWAYS "cvs add" a file or "cvs status" a file regardless of whether it is in the cvsignore file or a part of the cvsignore defaults.  

Is there a page in the manual that says the -I option is available for ANY command other than import?

> (and is not supported on cvs stat).

Err, no - or any other command other than import, because import operates on files that are not in the repository and status (without a parameter) operates on files that ARE in the repository.  So if I have hello.java (in the repository) and hello.class (that is the result of a compile in place):

05/08/2007  15:47                 6 hello.class
31/07/2007  02:07                16 hello.java
               2 File(s)             22 bytes

If I issue a cvs status it miraculously doesn't list the hello.class file even though I do not specify a -Iclass option:

cvs server: Examining .
File: hello.java        Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:
   Repository revision: /invoicing/hello.java,v
   Expansion option:    kv
   Commit Identifier:   d9446ae7dfe7f8c
   Sticky Tag:          Intrepid_2 (branch: 1.1.2)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      (none)
   Merge From:          (none)

If I specify * then I get the status of both listed:
File: hello.class       Status: Unknown

   Working revision:    No entry for hello.class
   Repository revision: No revision control file

File: hello.java        Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:
   Repository revision: /tnzi/intrepid/invoicing/hello.java,v
   Expansion option:    kv
   Commit Identifier:   d9446ae7dfe7f8c
   Sticky Tag:          Intrepid_2 (branch: 1.1.2)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      (none)
   Merge From:          (none)

>   The only other thing I can recommend is recompiling cvsNT 
> without all the stuff Arthur mentions.

You could try recommending my suggestion and just change the configuration file, it's a lot easier than compiling.

The original poster was asking a question specifically about import and your reply appears to be a repeat request for an option on "cvs status" that will list files not in the repository.  

Features get added when:
1) people submit patches, or 
2) commercial customers pay for the changes or 
3) if March Hare Software identify that a large portion of the community/public is looking for a feature and we have the time/resources to perform the work gratis (eg: audit, change sets, eclipse compatibility etc).

Since you are the only one asking for this feature then 3 does not apply.  As always if someone submits a patch I'll be happy to accept it.


Arthur Barrett

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