[cvsnt] Delete sandboxes when upgrade 2.5.01 to 2.5.03?

Williams, Tim WilliamsTim at PRAIntl.com
Mon Dec 10 14:34:30 GMT 2007

Thank you Bo. I will follow the steps you suggest.


>Hi Folks,
>We will soon be upgrading CVSNT from 2.5.01 build 2013 to 2.5.03 build
>2382 (or more recent, depending on when we get to it!).  
>I will request that all programmers commit their work prior to the 
>upgrade.  Should I also ask that they delete their sandboxes, then 
>check out again after the upgrade?  My understanding is that only the 
>administrative CVS files will change on the server. Does this mean that

>the files in each /CVS folder in the sandbox remain unchanged and 
>therefore the sandboxes can remain intact during the upgrade?

A new version of the CVSNT server will *not* touch any administrative
files in the existing repositories. In fact a CVSNT uninstall and
reinstall or upgrade does not touch any of the existing data (ther
repositories are data to CVSNT).
And the config data in the Registry will also not be touched so you will
have the exact same config active after the update as before.

So no new admin files will be there.

But if you create a new repository after the upgrade then the *new*
CVSROOT directory in *that* repository will get new admin files into it
from the new CVSNT version.

When I did such a thing as you are doing I did this:

1. Install upgrade (uninstall then install is best).

2. Create a new repository TMPREPO

3) Copy the CVSROOT directory contents from the TMPREPO/CVSROOT dir to
my active repositories and *IMPORTANT!* skip copy for all files already
existing in the old repositories.

This way I got the new files without touching the old files

4) Now I also had to modify some of the script files in the
repositories, if they had path specifiers with backslash in them because
the new CVSNT exclusively uses forward slash as path delimiter. But I
don't think you need this since the existing server is on the 2.5.1
level whan this was already in place.

5) Delete the TMPREPO since it is no longer needed.


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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