[cvsnt] Cannot connect remotly

Daniel Wetzel daniel at keksbox.com
Thu Dec 13 16:16:28 GMT 2007


I am completly new to cvsnt and to this list. So I want to say hello first:

I installed cvsnt 2.5.03 (2382) on a Windows Server 2003 system. After
creating a repository and an user I wanted to connect with my editor
(Zend). That aborted with an error message: Cannot connect. I retried with
plain telnet - nothing happened.

If I try it directly on the maschine (with telnet) I get an prompt. Remotly
happens nothing. I've checked already all firewall settings (there is none)
and `netstat -a` shows a listening port 2401 (which remains listening even
if I try to connect). It seems, that cvsnt does not want to talk with a
remote machine.

Btw.: All other services like POP3 und HTTP are working well.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot, Daniel from Berlin, Germany

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