[cvsnt] Any particular recommendations for web-based repository browser?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Feb 1 19:35:40 GMT 2007

On Thu, 1 Feb 2007 10:17:24 -0500, "Jim Hyslop" <jimh at view22.com>

>Hi, all
>I've been looking into web browser software for CVSNT repositories. So
>far I've found CVSWeb and ViewCVS. From what I can tell, both will work
>with CVSNT, but I was wondering if one of them was a better fit (i.e.
>more easily integrated). Any recommendations one way or the other? Are
>there any other candidates I should look at?

Go for ViewCvs

>My goal is to be able to browse the repository. Checking out and/or
>modifying through the web browser is nice, but not necessary.

It won't be possible due to permissions.

>The repository is on a Windows 2003 server running IIS (I don't know
>which version of IIS offhand, if that's important I can find out).

CVSWeb is not actively developed for quite some time.
ViewCvs is still going on but curved over to SubVerion about 1-1.5
years ago and changed its name to ViewCV at that time.

I have created an easy-to-use installer for ViewCvs per mid 2005 which
is published here:

I use it all the time on new installations and it works quite well
right out of the box. Not so if you try to do a manual install...
Last time around it was on a brand new W2003 server where I installed
CVSNT buid 2382 in October of 2006.


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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