[cvsnt] Problem with commit: [commit aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

Алексей Пономарев mielofon at mail.ru
Fri Feb 2 06:02:10 GMT 2007

Hello all.

I need your help.
I am very small speack english. :-)

My problem: commit in branch "Sprut_1_9" end with error (see 9. )

Russian: Если по руски, то при commit в ветку "Sprut_1_9" вылетает
ошибка (смотреть пункт 9. от предоставленного лога). update и commit в основной ветке работает на ура. Данная
проблема пока наблюдается только с 2мя файлами - остальные заливаются

CVSROOT = :pserver:Mielofon at\CVSROOT

1.>cvs update -P -A -C -- InspFrm.pas (in directory D:\SprutProjects\sprut98_1_9\SDB\)
(Locally modified InspFrm.pas moved to .#InspFrm.pas.2.0)
U InspFrm.pas

***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

2.>change InspFrm.pas

3.>cvs status -v -- InspFrm.pas (in directory D:\SprutProjects\sprut98_1_9\SDB\)
File: InspFrm.pas       Status: Locally Modified

   Working revision:    3.1
   Repository revision: 3.1     C:\CVSROOT/sprut98/SDB/InspFrm.pas,v
   Expansion option:    kv
   Commit Identifier:   c0845b89f171683
   Sticky Tag:          (none)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      kv
   Merge From:          (none)

   Existing Tags:
        Grimer_Dynamic_And_Stuff        (branch: 2.0.24)
        Sprut_1_9                       (branch: 2.0.22)
        TransIdeSplit_Mielofon_11102006 (branch: 2.0.20)
        SprutCam400_Dll_WithAbstractClass       (branch: 2.0.18)
        SprutCam400_Dll_ProxySClass     (branch: 2.0.16)
        SprutCam400_Dll                 (branch: 2.0.14)
        Mielofon_05072003_Temp          (branch: 2.0.12)
        Mielofon_30062003_DOXGroupField (branch: 2.0.10)
        ver2002_08_15                   (revision: 2.0)
        ver2002_08_12                   (revision: 2.0)
        Mielofon24102002_TransparentSection     (branch: 2.0.8)
        Mielofon_10092002_LongNames     (branch: 2.0.6)
        Mielofon_MemoProplem            (branch: 2.0.4)
        Mielofon_BPLPlugins             (branch: 2.0.2)
        Sprut_BeforLongString           (revision: 2.0)
        MielofonWork                    (branch: 1.2.2)
        WorkWithWarningsAndHints        (branch: 1.1.2)
        ToDelphi6                       (revision: 1.1)
        Delphi6Version                  (branch: 1.1.14)
        Delphi5Version                  (branch: 1.1.12)
        Real_18042002_WMF               (branch: 1.1.10)

***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

4.>cvs -z9 commit -m "no message" -- InspFrm.pas (in directory D:\SprutProjects\sprut98_1_9\SDB\)
Checking in InspFrm.pas;
C:\CVSROOT/sprut98/SDB/InspFrm.pas,v  <--  InspFrm.pas
new revision: 3.2; previous revision: 3.1

***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

5.>cvs status -v -- InspFrm.pas (in directory D:\SprutProjects\sprut98_1_9\SDB\)
File: InspFrm.pas       Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:    3.2
   Repository revision: 3.2     C:\CVSROOT/sprut98/SDB/InspFrm.pas,v
   Expansion option:    kv
   Commit Identifier:   c5445ba045c2535
   Sticky Tag:          (none)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      kv
   Merge From:          (none)

   Existing Tags:
        Grimer_Dynamic_And_Stuff        (branch: 2.0.24)
        Sprut_1_9                       (branch: 2.0.22)
        TransIdeSplit_Mielofon_11102006 (branch: 2.0.20)
        SprutCam400_Dll_WithAbstractClass       (branch: 2.0.18)
        SprutCam400_Dll_ProxySClass     (branch: 2.0.16)
        SprutCam400_Dll                 (branch: 2.0.14)
        Mielofon_05072003_Temp          (branch: 2.0.12)
        Mielofon_30062003_DOXGroupField (branch: 2.0.10)
        ver2002_08_15                   (revision: 2.0)
        ver2002_08_12                   (revision: 2.0)
        Mielofon24102002_TransparentSection     (branch: 2.0.8)
        Mielofon_10092002_LongNames     (branch: 2.0.6)
        Mielofon_MemoProplem            (branch: 2.0.4)
        Mielofon_BPLPlugins             (branch: 2.0.2)
        Sprut_BeforLongString           (revision: 2.0)
        MielofonWork                    (branch: 1.2.2)
        WorkWithWarningsAndHints        (branch: 1.1.2)
        ToDelphi6                       (revision: 1.1)
        Delphi6Version                  (branch: 1.1.14)
        Delphi5Version                  (branch: 1.1.12)
        Real_18042002_WMF               (branch: 1.1.10)

***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

6.>cvs -z9 update -P -r Sprut_1_9 -- InspFrm.pas (in directory D:\SprutProjects\sprut98_1_9\SDB\)
U InspFrm.pas

***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

7.>change InspFrm.pas

8.>cvs status -v -- InspFrm.pas (in directory D:\SprutProjects\sprut98_1_9\SDB\)
File: InspFrm.pas       Status: Locally Modified

   Working revision:    2.0
   Repository revision: 2.0     C:\CVSROOT/sprut98/SDB/InspFrm.pas,v
   Expansion option:    kv
   Commit Identifier:   (none)
   Sticky Tag:          Sprut_1_9 (branch: 2.0.22)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      kv
   Merge From:          (none)

   Existing Tags:
        Grimer_Dynamic_And_Stuff        (branch: 2.0.24)
        Sprut_1_9                       (branch: 2.0.22)
        TransIdeSplit_Mielofon_11102006 (branch: 2.0.20)
        SprutCam400_Dll_WithAbstractClass       (branch: 2.0.18)
        SprutCam400_Dll_ProxySClass     (branch: 2.0.16)
        SprutCam400_Dll                 (branch: 2.0.14)
        Mielofon_05072003_Temp          (branch: 2.0.12)
        Mielofon_30062003_DOXGroupField (branch: 2.0.10)
        ver2002_08_15                   (revision: 2.0)
        ver2002_08_12                   (revision: 2.0)
        Mielofon24102002_TransparentSection     (branch: 2.0.8)
        Mielofon_10092002_LongNames     (branch: 2.0.6)
        Mielofon_MemoProplem            (branch: 2.0.4)
        Mielofon_BPLPlugins             (branch: 2.0.2)
        Sprut_BeforLongString           (revision: 2.0)
        MielofonWork                    (branch: 1.2.2)
        WorkWithWarningsAndHints        (branch: 1.1.2)
        ToDelphi6                       (revision: 1.1)
        Delphi6Version                  (branch: 1.1.14)
        Delphi5Version                  (branch: 1.1.12)
        Real_18042002_WMF               (branch: 1.1.10)

***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

9.>cvs commit -m "no message" -- InspFrm.pas (in directory D:\SprutProjects\sprut98_1_9\SDB\)
cvs [commit aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

10.>cvs diff -- InspFrm.pas (in directory D:\SprutProjects\sprut98_1_9\SDB\)
Index: InspFrm.pas
RCS file: C:\CVSROOT/sprut98/SDB/InspFrm.pas,v
retrieving revision 2.0
diff -r2.0 InspFrm.pas
< interface       {*******************************************************}
>  interface       {*******************************************************}

***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

11.>cvs version

Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.51d (client/server)
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382 (client/server)

I don't know what to do :-(
This problem with 3 files... only today.

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