[cvsnt] Setup server... I need help please

Tim Chippington Derrick tim at chippingtonderrick.co.uk
Sun Feb 4 20:32:16 GMT 2007

Ok, people can probably help you, but it would help us to know what 
server platform you are running on, and what version of CVSNT you are 
trying to install. If it's a recent version on Windows, then it 
should be so simple you might not even believe you've done it already...


At 19:16 03/02/2007, you wrote:
>I use Turtoise CVS for almost 4 years on a server. This server 
>doesn't exist anymore so I've deceided to add an CVS server at my 
>server (Apache, Php, Mysql, Mail, etc...). This is the hardest 
>server I ever had to setup. I just don't understand how to setup 
>it... I've pass trough help files and FAQ on the net and I still 
>don't understand. Where is the damn command line ?!?!? How can I 
>remote acess ??? Is there any Gui to setup repository and users etc etc ???
>I'm lost. I'm frustrated to be stuck by a program that is supposed 
>to be simple... Please gimme some hints.
>I need to setup this server very fast to continue my project and I 
>need to know how creating users, let them modify their password, ad 
>modules etc etc...
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