[cvsnt] CVSNT service user and impersonation

Rick Martin rsmandcam at _NO_SPAM_sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 27 22:08:30 GMT 2007

Just a little follow up.
I got a short term solution implemented by using NET USE workaround.
I ended up putting the user name and password in a text file in the CVSROOT
folder but not making it part of CVSROOT module. That way no one can get to
if via CVS. Makes me feel a little better.
Longer term: I'll probably go with Glen's latest suggestion to use a shadow
on the server and directory sync tool to push to the network locations.

Another interesting bit I found was when I got user information via
python's win32api.GetUserName() function it returned SYSTEM during the
script called from loginfo. I don't know if the user impersonation should
be active at this time or if GetUserName() should return the impersonation
user or the underlying process user.  Something to ponder <g>.

Thanks for the help,

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