[cvsnt] cvs [server aborted]: Failed to obtain lock on changerequest.asp, v

Manjunath M[IS] m.manjunath at celstream.com
Wed Feb 28 13:19:32 GMT 2007

Hi there,

We have installed CVSNT 2.5.03 server (Scorpio ) Build 2151 on a windows
2003 server

One of the user is getting this error when he tries to commit 

1) cvs commit -m 'no message' crview1.asp (in directory
cvs server: Up-to-date check failed for `crview1.asp' 
cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first! 
2) cvs server: [16:41:00] waiting for rajeshmenon on
rajeshmenon.celstream-in.com's lock 
in /cvs/QMSTools/ChangeRequestTool/changerequest.asp,v 
cvs [server aborted]: Failed to obtain lock on changerequest.asp,v

The user has full permission to this folder and he is also part of the

Please give your valuable inputs to solve this issue


Manjunath M
Celstream Technologies
Bangalore  India

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