[cvsnt] CVSNT server slow on "small" tasks

Andrea Polci andrea.polci at eng.it
Sun Jan 7 16:47:06 GMT 2007

Recently we made some changes on our cvs server:
- upgraded from CVSNT 2.0.58c to CVSNT 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382
- moved the server to a different machine on different network
- introduced permission control with "acl"

We are using eclipse 3.2 as client (this isn't changed recently) throw 
the pserver protocol.

The behavior of the server has changed in a strange way:
- small tasks like extracting the history are now really slow. Something 
like 10 seconds instead of 1 or 2 seconds.
- big tasks like checking out an entire project are now faster. 
Something like half the time they took before.

It seems that the login time itself is really long compared to the old 

Now I have to find (and possibly remove) the cause of the slowness on 
small tasks.
The new network don't seems to be the answer. The ping time of the new 
server is <1ms as the old one for example.
The new machine is dedicated to the cvs server while the old one did 
also other tasks (file server for example) so I think this also isn't 
the cause.

Is it possible that I messed up something in the configuration? Has the 
new CVSNT version something that slow down the login process?

Thanks to anyone that can give me some advice.

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