[cvsnt] Keyword Substitution no longer working followingarecentupgrade.

Richard Boatfield r.boatfield at sstl.co.uk
Mon Jan 15 11:42:20 GMT 2007


I finally got our install of CVSNT up and running properly.
It turns out the original upgrade failed almost solely because of the 
install location.
We have a policy of partitioning on our servers possibly just for historical 
reasons or organisational reasons, but this was having a direct impact on 
the operation of CVSNT.
Our servers usually have the following partioning scheme:
C:\ - normal system install location
E:\ - Swap drive
F:\ - Temp drive
G:\ - Applications install location.

Our original install of CVSNT was on the G:\ drive and worked fine, but when 
I upgraded to 2.5.03 build 2382 we encountered all kinds of problems, 
including the spurious error "Could'nt open default trigger library" and our 
recent Keyword substitution problem.

Whilst trying to resolve these issues I completely uninstalled CVSNT and 
reinstalled, but I forgot to change the install location and the system was 
installed to C:\Program Files\CVSNT
I tested the new install and everything worked fine, I know longer received 
the error message or had any problems with Keyword substitution.
I was checking our set-up and realised I'd not installed CVSNT to our 
standard location, I therefore uninstalled it, and reinstalled it to our 
usual location: G:\Apps\CVSNT.  Upon completing the install all our problems 
promptly returned.  So I uninstalled (again) and reinstalled to the default 

It would appear that if CVSNT is installed anywhere other than on the C:\ 
drive then it does not work properly.
I've re-checked the install instructions again and noted the comments 
although the fact that we have a space in the directory name ('program 
files' as opposed to 'programs') doesn't seem to be having an effect at the 

As a point of fact, the G:\ drive is still on a local disk on the server but 
clearly something is trying to operate as if it's on C:\ and failing 

It's perhaps worth mentioning that whilst trawling through the various 
installation instructions I note that it says you must not set-up the 
repository or cvstemp directories on networked drives.  We have a SAN drive 
attached to the server (to provide plenty of space for the code) but it 
attaches as a local drive (I:\ in this case) and everything works fine.

Just thought I'd let everyone know in case they run into similar problems in 
the future.

Cheers, Richard 

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