[cvsnt] Migrate repository from CVS (GNU) to CVSNT

bwhicks at aep.com bwhicks at aep.com
Mon Jan 22 15:06:58 GMT 2007

cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org wrote on 01/22/2007 09:26:05 AM:

> The repository "looks" OK, when running an ls against it for instance. 
> However, when the developers check out code and try to compile it, they 
> up with missing file errors.  Any thoughts?  I know that the docs 
> specifically state that the you should not use the built in tools to 
> anything, but could WinRAR be the culprit?

I recently switched from Linux and had some similar issues. I think 
there's actually a few problems with moving to windows like this. Not sure 
if there are more I haven't discovered yet. So far the problems are both 
file system problems. 

First, I tried to just untar to my windows desktop (also using winrar). I 
got several errors during the process. I then untarred it into a folder 
"C:\testroot" and got fewer errors. I think the issue there is that ext3 
supports longer filepaths/filenames than windows. Can anyone verify this?

Second, I had several instances where there were problems with case. For 
example "readme.txt" versus "Readme.txt". Directories are also affected. I 
believe winrar prompts you on what to do with these, but it is a major 
pain if there are a lot of them. 

I eventually decided winrar may be unreliable and switched to GNU tar from 
http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net. That may help with the long filenames. As 
for the missing files/directories, all of our clients are windows based, 
so they couldn't check both versions of the filename out at the same time 
anyway. So I just have to figure out which one is newer and delete the old 

The easiest way I have found to tell exactly what is missing is you can do 
a "find . > filelist.txt" in the repository directory on both the unix box 
and the windows box (again using the GUN tools). Then, because the tools 
seem to grab things using different sort criteria, move both files to the 
same machine and run them through the sort command so the lines will line 
up. Then just diff them to see what is missing. 

Comments on this process?


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