[cvsnt] cvsnt on Solaris 10

Richard Wirth richard at wirthware.de
Mon Jan 22 21:24:54 GMT 2007

Hello Dominic,

FD> I've checked inetd.conf and it has the following
FD> cvspserver      stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/local/bin/cvs -f
FD> --allow-root=/www_dev/cvsnt/repository pserver

Looks ok, but you should omit the '--allow-root=..', cvsnt configures
repositories via /etc/cvsnt/PServer.

FD> This is also the command in the 
FD> #  ls -l /usr/local/bin/cvs
FD> -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root     27436676 Jan 22 14:58 /usr/local/bin/cvs

quite large, the binary...
Did you build it your self?

FD> I have checked the services manifest, this is on Solaris 10, and it also is
FD> set to call the cvs binary. 
FD> <exec_method
FD>                 type='method'
FD>                 name='inetd_start'
FD>                 exec='/usr/local/bin/cvs -f
FD> --allow-root=/www_dev/cvsnt/repository pserver'
FD>                 timeout_seconds='0'>
FD>                 <method_context>
FD>                         <method_credential user='root' group='root' />
FD>                 </method_context>
FD>         </exec_method>

again the '--allow-root'...

FD> I do not have experience with cvsnt, is there something I can try locally on
FD> this host to confirm that my cvsnt install is working as it should before
FD> attempting to run it using pserver?

The test with telnet is quite ok.

You can do a 'cvs version' and 'cvs info' also.

Is lockserver running?

netstat -n | grep 2401
netstat -n | grep 2402

Best regards,
 Richard                            mailto:richard at wirthware.de

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