[cvsnt] cvslock.exe not started: bug?

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Fri Jan 26 13:15:49 GMT 2007

David Citron wrote:
> Thanks, Tony!
> I guess the people who are running into this problem are people who 
> install TortoiseCVS to manage a local-only CVSNT repository and then 
> install ViewVC to browse it. TortoiseCVS does not install cvslock as a 
> system service (though it's easy to do so later via "cvslock -i"); 
> TortoiseCVS relies on cvs.exe to automatically start cvslock when needed.

If you've ever issued a command on a local repository then lockserver 
will be running in the system tray.  It sounds like a bit of a corner 
case that the very first command you'd issue would be a direct RCS 
access to the repository on a local only repository... OTOH if it's 
happening then there's a case for a change somewhere.

I'll probably change the logic for evs (which is going to end up very 
different anyway so is going to change).  Of course it hasn't been 
decided what form the rcsfile command will take on evs anyway...


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