[cvsnt] Several questions on cvs usage

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Fri Jul 20 09:04:42 BST 2007

Chuck Kirschman wrote:
> "cvs -nq up" has been the time-honored way of determining which files 
> are changed in cvs.  I'm surprised that Tony desupported it.  The lucky 
> coincidence is that it still works for now, and is much easier to use 
> with regex's and other commands.  

-n up hasn't worked properly for years.. status -q has been around a bit 
longer and has basically replaced it except for a couple of corner cases 
(that haven't been mentioned in living memory so I assume nobody's that 
bothered about them).  The official deprecation is a bit newer because 
it became clear that making it work was not only nontrivial (involving 
essentially rewriting parts of the update process in dummy form) it 
seemed nobody had even noticed how broken it actually was...

 > Is "cvs -q stat -qq" everyone's
 > preferred way to look at the change set now?

If you want changeset information then log can filter on commit and bug 

> One other problem with that command is that it misses DLLs, EXEs, etc. 
> Update at least supports -I! so you can see these files.  I have no idea 

If you're after the list of changed files then I don't see what listing 
DLLs and EXEs that aren't under CVS control is going to do for you... no 
cvs command is going to do that since it basically ignores things that 
it doesn't know about, other than printing the questionmark (personally 
I hate that.. clutters the output).


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