[cvsnt] Errror cvs login aborted with pserver

KATZ Jean Francois Jean-Francois.Katz at socgen.com
Wed Jul 25 10:58:13 BST 2007

I'm using CVNT (the most stable relase available) on a Windows  XP SP2
workstation. I have followed the instructions steps given for
installation and configuration.
I want to use the pserver protocol so I have created on the server a
system user account cvs_user (normally using the panel Users
I have made no modification the the config file. 
Then I added the cvs users through the command:
cvs passwd -r cvs_user -a cvs_user_name
and type in the password for this new  cvs user. 
Then I have tried to connect from a remote computer with WinCVS. I set
up the CVSROOT variable. 
When i try to login I get the following error message.
cvs [login aborted]: cvs_user: Switch to user failed due to
configuration error. Contact your System Administrator.Fatal error,

If anyone has an idea to solve this problem it would help me. 

Thanks a lot. 




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