[cvsnt] Error displyed while viewing graph

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Jun 7 22:44:30 BST 2007

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007 12:07:39 +0530, "Indhu" <indhu at cdactvm.in> wrote:

>I got the following error in a CVSNT client machine(Windows 2000) when
>tried to view the graph of a particular file. When the user logins,
>selects the file & view the graph, it is getting displayed. But when you
>close the window & try to view the graph again the error message is
>displayed. In other systems it is working fine.
>Impossible to open the temp file
' for write (error 22)cvs -z9 log
>-- SRS_MAT.doc (in directory E:\XXX_ABC\XYZ-BCD\RST\Documents\)
>Can anybody tell me the reason for this error?

Probably completely wrong newsgroup!
CVSNT does not have a graphic in terface so it cannot display a file
Are you referring to ViewCvs, maybe? In thta case you are better off
asking at the ViewVC site.
Or if it is WinCvs then maybe asking in the cvsgui list may help.
I don't know if TortoiseCvs als has a graphic display, but if it has
and that is what you use then please aske in the Tortiose group.


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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