[cvsnt] vedprakash.patel at gmail.com

Ved Patel vedprakash.patel at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 13:32:52 BST 2007


            I am facing issue with stick tag, while committing the changes
in repository. I have 5 versions on a file "file1.txt". the latest version
is 1.5.  I have taken older version i.e. 1.2 from the repository using the
below command and edited the file

** update –r 1.2 file1.txt

** edit file1.txt

I have made some changes and tryp to commit then I get error message as

cvs server: sticky tag `1.2' for file `file1.txt' is not a branch

cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!

Please help me to resolve this issue. I have tried below commands but no

 commit –r1.2 –m "test" file1.txt



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