[cvsnt] Undo Commit?

Medve Emilian-EMMEDVE1 Emilian.Medve at freescale.com
Tue Jun 12 23:44:36 BST 2007

Hello Arthur,

I agree with you. It just seemed that Raj has a situation he doesn't
want anybody to see or remain recorded in the history for future
generations to see... :-)


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-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Barrett [mailto:arthur.barrett at march-hare.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 4:45 PM
To: Medve Emilian-EMMEDVE1; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Cc: Raj Simha
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] Undo Commit?


> cvs -H admin will give you all the details you need.

This does not require the blunt axe approach.  Admin should be avoided
at all costs.

Raj, if you need to restrict the order of commits then you need to
implement a "reserved" CM process.  Mark the files as requiring
exclusive locks (cvs update -k+x;cvs commit -f -m "") to avoid this
problem in future.

To "undo" a revision use the commit id with the update command, or if it
is a single file then use update and a revision number, eg:
cvs up -j 1.1 Test.ear
cvs commit -m "revert to version 1.1"

Then make your changes and commit.  So you end up with:
1.1 - original version
1.2 - incorrectly committed
1.3 - same as 1.1
1.4 - Raj's changes
1.5 - other changes



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