[cvsnt] cvsignore/cvswrappers and -kc option

Mark Johnson amarkjohnson at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 18:35:35 GMT 2007

I am struggling with setting some defaults surrounding -k options and
default ignored files.  From reading the list and the documentation, I think
I should be able to add item to the administrative files CVSROOT/cvsignore
and CVSROOT/cvswrappers  (by the way I have added cvsignore the

I'm using (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382 on linux as my server, and the
same version on windows as my client.  I am also using TortoiseCVS (1.8.28)
[which has (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2260 imbedded],  and WinCVS (Build 4).

I am testing with three file types. .doc, .xls, and .maj  (means nothing,
just testing).  I've configured the admin files like shown below.

   *.doc -k 'bc'
   *.xls  -k 'bc'


These files appear to be completely ignored during an add/commit (using
Tortoise).  Is tortoise overwriting the defaults?
(my own answer...yes.  cmd line and WinCVS use the correct cvswrapper
settings.....but none use the cvsignore settings).

cvs info cvswrappers shows two lists (one set a-z, followed by another set
a-z) with the second being the contents of the cvswrappers file.  both .doc,
and .xls are first listed as -k 'b', then later listed as -k 'bc'.  Where is
this first list coming from?  Which listing wins... the first or the last?

Any help would be appreciated.

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