[cvsnt] CVSNT service user and impersonation

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Fri Mar 2 03:02:23 GMT 2007


> I would think this is a relatively common desire. I want to automate 
> pushing changes from the cvs server to another server. How do people 
> publish web-site files? Certainly, the web server and cvs server are 
> not the same box. Do they always use a pull methodology instead of 
> push?

This is what the shadow trigger is intended for.  March Hare Software
sponsored the initial creation of a fairly simple one shadow that does
local copies - now it's up to the community to decide if it needs
extending to also support other "copy" protocols such as "ftp", "tftp",
"sftp" etc etc.  

If you want a feature Rick, just add it.


Arthur Barrett

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