[cvsnt] Change Username associated with Sandbox

Bryan Leber btl at fischerinternational.com
Thu Mar 15 13:29:09 GMT 2007

Good Morning,

We have many modules and patch branches checked out under a person's
username, but we want to create a special build user name because the
username now keeps getting its password changed so it is causing issues.
Is there a way to change the username say from... akd to build

I have found on the internet the following command but it does not seem
to work. I have tried it in a dos command prompt and it is complaining
about xargs not recognized as an internal or external command


find foo -regex .*CVS/Root -print0 | xargs -0 perl -p -i.orig -e



Bryan Leber


Fischer International Corporation

www.fischerinternational.com <http://www.fischerinternational.com> 

bryan.leber at fischerinternational.com
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