[cvsnt] Behaviour on laptop disconnected from network

Glen Starrett glen.starrett at march-hare.com
Thu May 31 15:25:30 BST 2007

Alpheratz wrote:
> Nobody has any ideas on this?
> I know the post was rather long, but I figured that providing more info 
> would help trigger someone's memory!

Trouble is, it isn't someone's memory you're trying to jog here -- your 
problem is fairly specific to your situation.

Even when you were connected it looked like you got an auth failure (the 
first status command).

Is your account "tce" local on your CVSROOT\passwd file?  Is [tce | the 
system account associated with tce] on the local machine, or a domain 
account?  Is the machine on a domain?  Are you running your repository 
with system auth on or off?  What is your default domain set to?  These 
are the factors you will need to look at and adjust.

I don't think having the loopback connector installed should affect this 
but FYI I'm not running it and my notebook works fine on and off the 
network.  Also note that even using local accounts when disconnected 
doesn't always work properly when disconnected -- Windows still looks to 
the domain first unless you set your default domain, and then that has 
other implications.


Glen Starrett
Technical Account Manager, North America
March Hare Software, LLC


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