No subject

Wed May 2 04:41:56 BST 2007


>Also WinCVS is just an GUI interface rite, is it manadatory to have for 
>using CVSNT?? the installation of WINCVS repeats the step done while 
>installing the CVSNT, please clarify this part also.

WinCvs is the GUI front-end (among a few others) to the CVSNT CVS
client program that runs as command line utility. WinCvs itself is not
able to do any CVS operations, it just sends commands to the cvs
command line program.
So, yes, you MUST have the *client* version of CVSNT isntalled in all
of the client PC:s where the user need access to the CVSNT server PC
via WinCvs!
Only install the client part of CVSNT and you are fine.


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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