[cvsnt] Allowing keyword expansion in binary files

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Fri Nov 2 15:17:31 GMT 2007

Moog, Glenn wrote:
> Is there a way to allow keyword expansion in binary files
> I want to embed $Header$ in a Oracle Report rdf file.  I do not see this
> expanding when adding the file.  Is there a way to add a binary file but
> allow the expansion??
> cvs add -kb XXARDAGS.rdf 
You can force unix line expansion (which effectively means no expansion 
since that's they way they're stored anyway) with -kL and you'll get the 
same effect.

OTOH it's a *really* bad idea if these are truly binary files, since 
they have structure and you can't just insert text strings into them and 
expect them to still work.. you're just as likely to break them totally.


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