[cvsnt] Editing CVSNT archive to correct corrutpion?

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Thu Nov 15 22:26:46 GMT 2007


> I originally sent this to the CVS info list but since they 
> tell me CVSNT has different (extended) repository format. I'm 
> posting this here.

Thanks for posting to the correct forum.  Please also familiarise
yourself with the FAQ:

You forgot to mention the version (I'll reproduce your comment from
info-cvs for the benefit of CVSNT subscribers):

> I'm using CVSNT server version: on a windows box.
>  my CVROOT is : :sspi:mrich at vienna:\mimosa

Please tell us the exact command you are running when you get this

> cvs server: warning: duplicate key `log' in version 
> `' of RCS file 
> `/Root/Products/SelfServiceRetrieve/Web/Client/QuickSearch.aspx.cs,v'
> cvs server:              warning: duplicate key `text' in 
> version `' of RCS file 
> `\Root/Products/SelfServiceRetrieve/Web/Client/QuickSearch.aspx.cs,v'
> cvs server:              warning: duplicate key `text' in 
> version `' of RCS file 
> `\Root/Products/SelfServiceRetrieve/Web/Client/QuickSearch.aspx.cs,v'
> cvs [server aborted]: Movable pointer not within rcs buffer - aborting
> Error, CVS operation failed

> I have had this error in the past but it has happened on new 
> files and thus rebuilding them was not a big deal.

As I mentioned on info-cvs, this error should absolutely never ever
occur.  Can you tell us more about the environment you are using CVSNT
in?  What is the client?  What sort of disk is the repo store on on the
server, eg: is it a mapped network drive/samba drive, or a local "FAT"
disk or local "NTFS" disk?  What is the server OS (windows 2000?) what
is the client OS (windows xp sp2?) what client tool (eg: wincvs,
tortoisecvs, eclipse, oracle developer) etc etc.  If it is possible to
regularly repeat this error please describe the sequence.

If at all possible setup another "clean" server with the latest CVSNT
2.5.03 - copy your repo over and try the same command/tests there.  If
you can reproduce these errors/warnings then please perform a trace and
send the log and RCS file to support at march-hare.com (the newsgroup
doesn't accept large attachments).  Send everything else (except large
attachments) to the newsgroup.

> It there a way to edit the archive to fix this?  I have been 
> able to look at the archive using wordpad\textpad but I can 
> see nothing that jump out as an error.  I can checkout any 
> revision including the one mentioned in the error.
> Also since the version is mentioned, would the 
> problem be located in that version?
> If this is the version causing the problem it is old (early 
> 06) and it would be a big effort to rebuild the archive.

No idea yet - need more info.



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