[cvsnt] Upgrading from 2.0.58d to 2.5.03

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Fri Oct 19 21:41:39 BST 2007


> I'm thinking about upgrading a CVSNT server from 2.0.58d to 2.5.03.

Good idea:

> Googling... I only see references to upgrading from 2.0.X to 
> 2.0.Y - but
> I need to go 2.0.x to 2.5.y...

Probably because it's v easy -just install and go.  You can google the
mail list in which case you'll find a few references I think:

> Certainly I will back up the repository before doing anything.

Good.  And then back it up daily/weekly because this repository is
important to you right?

> The main reason for this upgrade is to get Eclipse to be able 
> to connect
> via PSERVER - we use SSPI with WINCVS and this will help 
> streamline our
> production - as our IDE is mainly Eclipse.

You can use SSPI with Eclipse - it's a big complex - google the
newsgroup to find the gory details (or buy the eBook, which is always

> I'm also having trouble finding the installer for the earlier version,
> 2.0.58d... in case I need to roll back...that shouldn't be a problem
> because this is going to work perfectly, right? 

We only keep a limited number of older releases, check the archive (but
you can just backup your old install, the upgrade wont change any of
your settings in the registry):


Arthur Barrett

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