[cvsnt] cvs commands hang

Rajesh Deshpande radhx at rediffmail.com
Fri Sep 7 15:53:02 BST 2007

Hi Arthur,

Thanks for the explanation.
I stopped both the Firewall and Antivirus services, but still got the same
problem. (attached is cvsdiag.txt and other files, how to direct cvs -ttt
output to a file?)

After tinkering around for a while I think I got the problem, but wonder
what the solution can be!

My setup is as follows:

I have installed CVSNT and WinCVS on my laptop (WinXP Pro SP2) which has
network adapter IP and primary DNS as which is a
desktop machine (Win98 SE) having internet access. I am using Internet
Connection Sharing on laptop to connect to internet via desktop machine.

Only when the laptop is connected to network, CVSNT works without hanging
(even with both Firewall and Antivirus services active). If I disconnect
from the network, CVSNT hangs.

How can I solve this problem? Can't I use CVSNT on laptop when it is not
connected to network (which it is most of the time)?


-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Barrett [mailto:arthur.barrett at march-hare.com] 
Sent: 06 September 2007 23:18
To: radhx at rediffmail.com; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] cvs commands hang

> Any cvs command hangs - even "cvs -d d:/cvsroot init" hangs (after a 
> blank console window opens).
> (both from CVSNT Repository Config Panel as well as WinCVS)

Please read the FAQ at the information you need to supply:

Send the results of a trace and a cvsdiag at least:
cvs -ttt -d d:/cvsroot init

> Tried "cvslock -test" command which gives following result:
> CVSLock 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382 (Jul  5 2006) starting in test 
> mode. Initialising socket...
> Starting lock server on port 2402/tcp...
> Using internal mdns Responder
> IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP failed : The requested address is not valid in its
> context.
> mdns initialization failed

Losing MDNS is no showstopper, but it may indicate something is
seriously wrong with the TCP stack.

> Commodo Firewall Pro (both cvs and cvslock allowed connections)
> AVG Anti-Virus

Try stopping those services and trying again...

You should be able to telnet to port 2401 and 2402:
telnet localhost 2401
telnet localhost 2402

If either port does not respond then your TCP/IP is broken.


Arthur Barrett

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