[cvsnt] possible bug in CVSNT when merge revision from vendor import banch to another branch

Tilo Riemer triemer at vision-experts.com
Fri Apr 4 10:14:44 BST 2008


we get unintentional conflicts if we merge revisions from vendor import  
branches into another branch, for instance:

file foo.cpp with revision merged to HEAD with the resulting  
revision 1.2.

Is this a known behavior? And if yes is it treated as bug?

Best regards,
Tilo Riemer

Tilo Riemer
Vision Experts GmbH
Hauptstr. 3
D-01640 Coswig
Tel.: +49 3523 530 29 41
Fax: +49 3523 530 29 47
eMail: triemer at Vision-Experts.com
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Karlsruhe
Handelsregister: Mannheim HRB 108409
   Hans Hermann Bibel
   Dr. Christian Kaiser
USt-ID: DE198001575
St-Nr.: 34418/53400

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