[cvsnt] Betr.: Re: Betr.: Re: get a previous revision
Jan Keirse
jan.keirse at tvh.be
Fri Apr 11 16:29:32 BST 2008
cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org schreef op 11/04/2008 17:12:59:
> Hi Jan,
> Sounds like you'll want to tweak your process a bit. Most people do a
> tag with their build process, so that the tag "BUILD_2008_04_11_10_09"
> will correspond to that build stamp within the compiled code.
> Another way to get back to a build if you don't have a tag, but you do
> know when it happened, is to do a cvs update -D {date time}. For
> cvs up -D "2008-03-17 10:30"
> Remember that the time on the update command will be GMT.
> There are other ways to achieve this too, of course. Check into
> branching, tagging, builds, etc. by searching the history of this list.
Thanks for your feedback. I'm aware of all the wonderfull things about
taging, branching,...
But the jobs are really tiny entity's of work (in the development branch),
everytime a developer wants to commit anything (like 30 times a day) he
has to create a job. So it would be a bit like tagging every commit.
Probably a job matches a commitId (although I haven't looked into
commitId's yet).
Anything that's committed is automatically immediately compiled and
query's are automatically checked for proper index usage.
Kind Regards,
Software quality & Systems: Software Engineer
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