[cvsnt] CVSNT :ext: BUG?

Guilherme Balena Versiani guibv at comunip.com.br
Thu Aug 14 14:54:16 BST 2008

Tilo Riemer ha scritto:
> Hello,
> Am 14.08.2008, 15:18 Uhr, schrieb Guilherme Balena Versiani 
> <guibv at comunip.com.br>:
>> The problem starts when I need to use :ext: scheme. My team uses
>> TortoiseCVS and TortoisePlink to connect to the CVS repository. Whenever
>> we use this combination with CVSNT, we get the following message:
>>     E cvsnt [server aborted]: _path_to_repository_: no such repository
> What happens if you use CVSNT from the command line?
I don't know what you exactly mean by use CVSNT from the command line, 
but if I issue the following on the CVSNT server machine:

    $ cvsnt -d _path_to_reporitory_ ls

Everything works fine.

If I issue the following command on the client machines (Windows XP), 
everything works fine too:

    C:> cvsnt -d :pserver:user at domain:_path_to_reporitory_ ls

But if I issue:

    C:> set CVS_RSH=TortoisePLink.exe
    C:> cvsnt -d :ext:user at domain:_path_to_reporitory_ ls

It don't work as expected. The above combination connects through SSH by 
using TortoisePLink, and when it connects, it issue the command 'cvs 
server' on the server machine. If I use CVSNT on the server machine, the 
errors happen like I described.

Best regards,

Guilherme Balena Versiani.
ComunIP S/A

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