[cvsnt] cvs login aborted: Authorization failed

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Wed Dec 3 11:19:22 GMT 2008

> From: Sanjeev, Neeraja (GE Infra, Energy)
> I have recently installed on WinXp Sp3 on a PC. I installed
> cvs on that PC.

To be clear: this is *not* the same XP SP2 PC that was working with CVSNT that you refer to below?  In other words, the machine has a new installation of CVSNT and it has never worked?

> When I try to login, it fails throwing the error "cvs error:
> authorization failed and rejected access".
> Earlier with WinXp sp2, it was working fine.  On WinXp with
> Sp3 , it is not allowing me to login.

What protocols did you enable during CVS authentication?

What protocol are you using to connect in your $CVSROOT?

Ensure you have turned off "simple" (brain-damaged) file sharing.  There are probably other things to check, but I'll leave those for the experts :-).

                - Peter

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