[cvsnt] Renamed file not getting updated in other developers' repository

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Wed Dec 10 11:30:37 GMT 2008

Gaurav Chhabra wrote:

> After hearing this, I updated my working copy and executed the following
> commands on the CVS repository:
> ------------------------------------------------
> rename hello.java Hello.java* *
> cvs remove hello.java
> cvs add* *Hello.java
> cvs commit –m "Renamed old to new" hello.java* *Hello.java
> ------------------------------------------------

On Windows you can't change case of files in that manner, because the OS 
doesn't see them as different.  All you did is remove then re-added the 
same file.

The worst case would be a unix client on a windows server.. I actually 
don't know what would happen in that case.. the server would be sent two 
identical files one for removal one for adding.  I suspect it'll just 
remove the file.

That's why we have the cvs rename command, which for all its quirks is 
capable of that kind of rename.  OTOH trying to change the case of a 
file is a pretty odd thing to want to do..


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