[cvsnt] FW: RCS format question

Bart S barts2108 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 16 21:37:53 GMT 2008

indeed ViewVC can work with CVSNT without any problems. I only
don't see what this viewVC has to do with the question from the OP

From: Arthur Barrett <arthur.barrett at march-hare.com>
To: Fabio D'Alfonso <fabio.dalfonso at fabiodalfonso.com>; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Sent: Tuesday, 16 December, 2008 21:41:12
Subject: Re: [cvsnt] FW:  RCS format question


> for moment I removed cvsnt and put back cvs.

And you lose merge tracking, user defined change sets/change relationships, failsafe audit, access control lists, Active Directory integration, support for reserved workflow, atomic commits (commitid), user defined keywords/properties, multi-site caching repositories, checksum based protocol optimisation etc etc.  

If you need to get ViewVC working with CVSNT Server then I'm sure that several people on the newsgroup have done that before.


Arthur Barrett

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