[cvsnt] Core dumps on Solaris 10

Tom Halliley J.T.Halliley at Flagstar.com
Mon Dec 22 21:50:27 GMT 2008

OK... I'll remove options in inetd.conf.  I do have the repository set up in 


(I left the defaults for other repository options).  Could the inetd.conf 
options cause the core dumps I'm seeing?

Looks like we're using the 32-bit version of cvsnt for Solaris 9.

    /usr/local/bin/cvsnt:   ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, 
dynamically linked, not stripped

Yes I have cvslockd running:

    bash-3.00$ ps -ef|grep cvs
    toolsadm  4154     1   0   Dec 14 ?          34:24 cvslockd -p 8999
    toolsadm  7314   932   0 16:46:34 pts/3       0:00 grep cvs

and configured in PServer:


(I had previously tested the lockserver via telnet).

Yes, I do have a postcommand trigger.  It reads a temporary file created by 
the previous triggers and saves info. to a database.  It does this 
separately from the audit feature, because we (unfortunately) need the data 
saved to a SQL Server database (from a Solaris-hosted cvsnt).

Thanks for your help.


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