[cvsnt] Core dumps on Solaris 10
Tom Halliley
J.T.Halliley at Flagstar.com
Tue Dec 23 18:56:37 GMT 2008
I did switch to using the 32-bit cvsnt package ... same results.
I also tried exiting immediately out of my postcommand trigger with a zero
return code ... same results.
It is interesting that the core dump is not 100% consistent ... occasionally
no core dump occurs on a commit with a postcommand trigger, but I couldn't
pin down what was different.
Here's a pstack from the 32-bit package; pretty much the same as for
bash-3.00$ pstack
'/export/local/cvsnt_core/core_source2_cvsnt_2087_30053_1230058030_20100' of
20100: /usr/local/bin/cvsnt au\
000a2230 _Z28client_protocol_buffer_flushPv (fe9e54f4, ff3f6d24, ff000000,
ff000000, fecc3dfc, 0) + 14
00026c78 _Z9buf_flushP6bufferi (0, 0, ff3a2000, ff3f4910, 155060, 0) + 88
00026c78 _Z9buf_flushP6bufferi (0, 0, ff1dadd8, 0, ff3f42e8, 0) + 88
000a9ee0 _Z10cvs_outputPKcj (ffbfdac8, 155, 400, 1, c1c, ff32a4e0) + 10
ff1c566c _ZN9CServerIo6outputEjPKc (155, ffbfdac8, ff31c4ec, 0, fee4861c,
ffffffff) + 24
ff1dadd8 _ZN8CRunFile4waitERii (ffbfdf50, ffbfdf48, ffffffff, ff32abe0,
ffbfd6c8, fe9a198c) + 5c8
_Rj (14102c, 1e7684, fe9a0678, fe9a03b0, fe98ef18, ffbfe060) + 5ac
(fe98ef18, fe98ef\
30, fe98e9a0, 107b90, fe9a0678, 0) + ea8
(fe9a0748, 107b90\
, 0, 73657276, fe98bacc, 13daf0) + 80
000aa9fc _Z16postcommand_procPvPK19trigger_interface_t (0, fe9a0748,
141e4c, 0, 0, 5400) + c8
0007c8fc _Z11run_triggerPvPFiS_PK19trigger_interface_tE (0, aa934,
fe9a0748, 2cb4, 2ce8, ffbfe8a0) + 73c
00070180 main (2400, 0, 5400, 5400, 5400, 5400) + 2180
00021194 _start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 5c
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