[cvsnt] CVSNT server tries to write non UTF-8 characters infileattr.xml

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Sat Dec 27 18:54:04 GMT 2008


> I'm using CVSNT Server hosted on Windows (XP, Vista), and 
> recently I've 
> been getting errors when using the server with non-ASCII characters 
> related to the fileattr.xml files. An example commit error message:

Please send the fileattr.xml file as well as the output from cvsdiag to
support at march-hare.com

What client did you commit this file from (exact version - eg: )

> This error goes away when I switch the server to Unicode mode, but I 
> have clients that don't support UTF-8 file names in CVS so I 
> can't run it that way.

You should be able to run the server in Unicode mode regardless of the
client, if the client can't perform the conversions then the server will
I think.



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