[cvsnt] Log command is erroring out

Miguel Hernandez Mhernandez at axolotl.com
Sat Jun 7 00:45:24 BST 2008


I sent a longer version earlier of the same information I'm sending in 
this opportunity; I think it hit the email 8 KB size limit . I apologize 
if it caused any inconveniences.
- - 
Thanks for answering. Here is the checklist that is posted on the CVSNT 

 - Type of disk: NFS. CVSNT is running on Windows in VM and it is using 
the "C:\" drive space allocation.
 - CVSNT server version:        2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382
 - CVSNT client version(s): 
        a) WinCVS Build 4x
        b) TortoiseCVS 1.829 using CVSNT 2.5.03(Scorpio) Build 2260; SSH 
Application: TortoisePlink.exe; SSH parameters: -l "%u" "%h"
        c) Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2260 
 - OS of server:                        Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 
Standard Edition SP2
 - OS of client:                        Microsoft Windows XP Professional 
Version 2002 SP3
 - Connection string: 
:pserver;password=mypassword:myuser at myserver:/local/cvsroot
 - Protocol:                    pserver/ssh depending on clients a), b) or 
c), all produce the same error
 - No keyboard expansion options used
 - Client CVSROOT: CVSROOT=:pserver:myuser at myserver:/local/cvsroot
 - Description of the problem: The file has up to 486 revisions, no 
branches, is loaded as a binary file, has a size of 17.9 MB in working 
directory, we use to perform the basic commands: commit, update, log, 
nothing too fancy. I understand the original ,v file was hosted on a CVS 
server on a Linux Box and then migrated to a CVSNT server; basic commands 
kept working after the migration. Current size of the ,v file is 662.7 MB. 
We can keep performing 'commit' and 'update' operations and even the log 
command with the -h option to print only headers, but not the normal 'log 
'command, it yields

                cvs [server aborted]: unrecognized operation '\x0' in 

- The steps to reproduce the problem is to send the following string on 
the clients: cvs log c:\Path\Sample.bin
- cvsdiag, extnt.ini, mh.log:

Best regards.

- Miguel Hernandez

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