[cvsnt] CVS commit issue

bineesh.urumese at wipro.com bineesh.urumese at wipro.com
Thu Jun 19 12:18:46 BST 2008


 Hi ,


I am trying to commmit an existing CVS file using ant.


But it is giving an exception even the build is success. Also the file is not commiting to CVS.



D:\walmart\build>ant cvs-commit
Buildfile: build.xml

      [cvs] Caught exception: CreateProcess: cvs -d:pserver:BineeshU:christ111 at <mailto:Password@ ipaddress) :/wmi-mtep-p1>  -q commit wmt error=267

Total time: 0 seconds

Ant Script:


 <target name="cvs-commit" description="CVS Commit">
  <cvs cvsRoot="${walmart.cvs.path.cvsroot}" package="${walmart.cvs.path.package}" command="commit"
    dest="${ws.dir}/wmt/asda-estore/mtep-manifest.xml" quiet="true" >


I can able to check out from CVS using ant 


Please help me to resolve the issue asap.


Thanks & Regards,


| Bineesh Urumese | Project Engineer | Wipro Technologies | Info Park Special Economic Zone | 3rd floor | SDB2 | Kusumagiri PO | Kochi-30 | Kerala | India |  Phone: 484-3991620 | EXT : 71620 | Mob: 9744769285 | voip: 832-7093 |


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