[cvsnt] CVS/UltraEdit

Tilman, Margaret TilmanMargaret at PRAIntl.com
Tue Jun 24 14:46:51 BST 2008

Hi Arthur,

Yes, Tim Williams is the admin that left.   Sorry I posted this to the
wrong group.  I am talking about the TortoiseCVS application.  I will
try to rename uedit32.exe to notepad.exe.  If this doesn't work, I'll
try the forum.

Tim did mention March-Hare as commercial support.  Did he or PRA ever
set up this support relationship?


-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Barrett [mailto:arthur.barrett at march-hare.com] 
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 8:47 PM
To: Tilman, Margaret; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Cc: Glen Starrett
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] CVS/UltraEdit

Hi Margaret,

Is Tim Williams still around - or is he the admin that left?  I've had
lots of discussions with him over the years including about PRA
International purchasing professional support from us (the authors of

> path.   For example, when choosing CVS->History, then choosing a file
> and choosing 'View this revision', the application, prior to 
> upgrading,
> would automatically open in Ultra Edit.    

Glen- It seems to me that Margaret is talking about the TortoiseCVS GUI.

Margaret - you need to be clearer in describing exactly what application
and what menu you are talking about - we cannot see your screen remember
(and don't bother posting bitmap images to the newsgroup - they are
automatically rejected).  

If you are talking about the TortoiseCVS GUI then pleas ask on the
TortoiseCVS forum (you are right that TortoiseCVS uses CVSNT to do the
'work' but what you are describing is purely a GUI issue).

> Unfortunately,
> this path was
> not updated before the admin's departure from the company.   I've done
> some research that leads me to think it's a CVS preference under the
> tools tab.    

Again - if this is the TortoiseCVS application - you need to post to the
TortoiseCVS newsgroup.  I think from memory that all text files open in
notepad by default and the only way to easily change this would be to
rename ultraedit.exe (or whatever) to notepad.exe, but I'd have to go
back to the source code for the tcvs log screen to be sure.



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